Getting Started

The package is designed to be used with the lavalink server


Support lavalink server version 3.7.x or newer can be installed using the following command:

windows: pip install MacOS/Linux: pip3 install

and need to install java 11 * LTS or newer required. and create a application.yml file in the root of your project. and choice the port and address of the server.

run the server use this command: java -jar Lavalink.jar

and install lasted lavalink.jar version

after installing, you can use the package in your code by importing it:

Starter bot

Your first bot can be written in just a few lines of code:

# importing the package
import lavaplay
# import a discord client like: hikari,, etc...
import hikari

# create a hikari client to get a events
bot = hikari.GatewayBot(

# create a lavaplay client
lavalink = lavaplay.Lavalink()
node = lavalink.create_node(
    host="localhost",  # your lavalink host
    port=2333,  # your lavalink port
    password="youshallnotpass",  # your lavalink password
    user_id=0  # Will change later on the started event

# the started event is called when the client is ready
async def started_event(event):
    # change the bot user id
    node.user_id = bot.get_me().id
    # connect the lavaplay client to the hikari client

# the message event is called when a message is sent
async def message_event(event: hikari.GuildMessageCreateEvent):
    if not event.message:

    # This command to connect to your voice channel
    if event.message.content == "!join":
        # get the voice channel
        state = bot.cache.get_voice_state(event.guild_id, event.author_id)
        # check if the author is in a voice channel
        if not state:
            await, "You are not in a voice channel")

        # connect to the voice channel
        channel_id = state.channel_id
        # create a player for the guild
        player = node.create_player(event.guild_id)
        await bot.update_voice_state(event.guild_id, channel_id, self_deaf=True)
        await, f"Connected to <#{channel_id}>")

    # This command to play a song
    elif event.message.content.startswith("!play"):
        # get a query from the message
        query = event.message.content.replace("!play", "")

        # check if the query is empty
        if not query:
            await, "Please provide a track to play")

        # Search for the query
            result = await node.auto_search_tracks(query)
        except lavaplay.TrackLoadFailed:   # check if not found results
            await, "Failed to load the track")

        # Get the player
        player = node.get_player(event.guild_id)

        # Play the first result
        await[0], event.author_id)
        await, f"Playing {result[0].title}")

# the voice_state_update event is called when a user changes voice channel
async def voice_state_update(event: hikari.VoiceStateUpdateEvent):
    player = node.get_player(event.guild_id)
    # Update the voice state of the player
    await player.raw_voice_state_update(event.state.user_id, event.state.session_id, event.state.channel_id)

# the voice_server_update event is called when a user changes voice channel
async def voice_server_update(event: hikari.VoiceServerUpdateEvent):
    player = node.get_player(event.guild_id)
    # Update the voice server information of the player
    await player.raw_voice_server_update(event.raw_endpoint, event.token)

# run the bot

When you run the bot, you can use the following commands to play music:

!join - Connects the bot to your voice channel

!play <query> - Play a song

you can create other commands to control the music player. this is some other examples